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Showing posts from May, 2009

Become like a child

3 And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Mathew 18:3 I often wonder what parameters Jesus had in mind.  How old were the children he referred to?  We pass along stories about babies talking to God and children with great wisdom, but do we truly value their perspective?  Do we have any intention of "changing to become like them"?  Sometimes I wonder if it is simply the ability to wonder and to allow the fantastic to be real that children offer as a critique to our over developed sense of self importance.   Sam is in a magical age at 3 yrs. old.  The other day he fashioned a pirate hat out of thin air and put it on my head.  Tonight we had a dialogue about super heroes, although he was wearing his "Cars" pj's. Disclaimer: He is 3.  Most conversations are about body functions. Sam: Dad, I'm Superman!  Superman doesn't pull down his pajamas to go potty. Me:...

Nice Artwork

So, I'll be getting back to that book soon, but today has other thoughts.  Obviously I am not an avid blogger.  My family and my work tend to be higher priorities. Today is Mother's Day.  The youth led worship, we honored mothers and graduates.  The sermon included a live painting as a literal illustration.  Fun was had by all!  My mother was in town, and I'm glad she got to see it.  Afterwards we all went out for lunch.  I wear a collar in worship, and I have to admit that it's always weird wearing it in public.  For one, I don't normally wear it outside of worship.  For another, I get a lot of stares.  Especially when I am out with my family.  Every now and again I get addressed as "Father."  It's an odd mix between being in a position of undeniable faith expression and feeling like a representative of a cultic practice that is disconnected with real life.  What I mean by that is that we separate life and faith in our culture.  When people see a prie...