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Showing posts from October, 2009

A Place to be From

Psalm 84:1-7 Acts 21:7-14 John 1:43-51 This is the third and final sermon in my series, “A Journey of Faith.” The first sermon, “Calling,” we considered how to discern God’s calling in our lives through the internal nudge, the confirmation of gifts by others, and the opportunities God opens to us. In the second sermon, “Sacrifice,” we looked at the way in which following God’s call naturally leads us into a practice of giving up our own desires in order to follow God’s. We considered how sacrifice is not just giving something up in order to make God happy, but it is a letting go of our willfulness in order to understand and fulfill the will of our living and loving Lord. Today we we’ve come full circle, as we again consider Jesus’ call to his first disciples, this time from the Gospel of John. Now let us enter into this space in prayer. Most Holy God, silence in us any voice but your own. Let our beating hearts burn with joy for your word and become beacons of light g...


"Sacrifice" Journey of Faith - Part Two Ruth 1:18-19 Philippians 2:5-11 This is the second sermon in a series titled “Journey of Faith.” My first sermon was on calling. We looked at the call of Matthew and talked about finding the connection between the world’s greatest need and your greatest joy. Greg Garis, our Interim Presbytery Exec. Followed it with a sermon on Jacob wrestling with God. He reminded us to Go for it, and claim the blessing that comes from wrestling with God even if we walk away limping. Today we are considering the story of Ruth and Naomi as well as one of the earliest confessions of faith in Christian tradition. As we continue in this journey together, let us pause for a word of prayer. Lord, silence in us all competing thoughts and concerns, that nothing ring true in this place but the sound of your light in a darkened world. And Lord, if there are any words spoken or considered that are not in keeping with your truth, strike them q...