First Presbyterian Church - Lafayette, Louisiana November 27, 2011 - Advent (B1) Isaiah 64:1-9 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 Well, I am told that this is the most wonderful time of the year. Decorations of red and green have been in the stores since Halloween. Christian radio stations have been offering Christmas music on line since mid November for those who just can’t wait to go fa-la-la. Fundamentalist Christians and Atheists have drawn battle lines and announced add campaigns to slander one another. And so begins our annual preparation for the Advent of Christ. I wonder what that means to you - preparing for the Advent of Christ? So much of our culture and even our religious tradition seems bent toward celebrating the Advent of Christ’s birth. It makes me wonder, is that what we have reduced Christmas to - a birthday party for Jesus? Don’t get me wrong - I do think it is important to celebrate the reality of the birth of Jesus. I think remembering the birth of Jesus is ess...
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