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Showing posts from August, 2016

Give Me Shelter

Isaiah 58:6-12, Hebrews 13:1-3, Matthew 25:31-46 Oh, a storm is threat'ning My very life today If I don't get some shelter Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away. So begins “ Gimme Shelter ” by the Rolling Stones – a classic Vietnam era song that reminded us that war is just a shot a way and love is as close as a kiss. Shelter is a thing that most of us take for granted, but the word itself implies vulnerability. On a basic level we seek shelter from the elements. On a deeper level, perhaps a primal level, shelter means protection from harm. Whether it be from bombs or abuse, seeking shelter is a basic survival instinct. Talking about hospitality, particularly hospitality from a Biblical perspective, flips the conversation from seeking shelter to offering shelter. Now we can talk about the metaphor of safe spaces and relationships of care, but the scriptures are pretty clear that sheltering others is about offering a safe place to live. In fact the Prophet Isaiah talks about shelte...

Prayer of Confession – Homelessness

Gracious and lovely God, forgive us for calling you “Lord” while refusing your rule. As a nation, we have allowed homelessness to become a demographic of people, and we have used it as a designation for people that we find hard to look in the eye. Help us to find our own humanity in the search for greater fellowship with those who live on streets and those in penthouses, those who’s minds are clear and those who’s minds have become a prison. Help us to reach beyond our own fears, so that hope becomes the driving force in every interaction. Amen. (silent prayer)

A Call to Worship – Shelter

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.      I will say of the Lord, “God is my refuge and my fortress,       my Lord, in whom I trust.” Let us worship the One who longs to gather us in   like a hen gathers her brood!      Let us find a safe haven in the mercy of the Lord! ( Ps 91:1-2 ; Matthew 23:37 )