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Showing posts from April, 2017

Evidenced Based Policy

Acts 2:14a, 22-32 1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20:19-31 The march began with a man shouting into a bullhorn, “What do we want?” The crowd replied, “Evidence based policy!” He goaded them, “When do we want it?” and they replied, “After peer review!” So began the March for Science by a few in our town and thousands in cities across our nation yesterday. It was also Earth Day – the 47th annual Earth Day , in fact. It’s no coincidence that these events overlapped, given the conversations in our nation about the impact of civil society on the world we live in. We, unlike any other organism on the planet, impact the health of the planet and the availability of its resources. We, unlike any other organism on the planet, have been gifted with rational minds and the ability to make decisions as individuals and as communities and nations. That ability, that responsibility, is what was behind the March for Science yesterday and every Earth Day celebration since 1970. Now, I know that some of you hav...

The One Jesus Loved

Readings: Acts 10:34-43 , Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 , John 20:1-18 Followers of Jesus throughout the world are gathering together on this Easter Sunday to celebrate the most basic confession of the Christian faith. He is risen! (Congregation responds: He is risen indeed!) So much has already been said in these few words. The man born as Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah, the anointed One of God who revealed God’s true nature for once and for all. This Jesus died and was raised by the power of God ( Acts 2:23-25 ), and because he is risen we know that there is no power, no other defining moment, no force of will or nature that can divert or dislodge or dissolve the claim of God’s love upon our lives! He is risen! (Congregation responds: He is risen indeed!) Yes! And because of that, faithful believers and curious seekers have followed the same pattern set out in scripture since day one. It is the pattern we see in our Gospel reading, and it is most likely a pattern that you experienced this ...

TWD for Jesus

Ezekiel37:1-14     Romans 8:6-11     John 11:1-45 For those who are fans of the Walking Dead, you may be thinking that today’s readings are just for you! If that is the case, I regret to inform you that this is not a Biblical drama about holding onto our basic humanity in the face of overwhelming forces. In fact, it might even be just the opposite: Biblical encouragement to let go of our limited human experiences in order to be caught up in the presence of God. Not as much fun as killing zombies, but I assure you it’s a better place to be. Yes! These readings – as gruesome as they may sound – are not about re-animated flesh in service of desire. They are about the expectation of life and hope and joy and peace. They are about the power of God and our ability to believe in it; to be caught up in it; to even be immersed in it. That word, “believe”, figures prominently in our Lenten experience this year. Over the last several weeks we’ve h...

Believing Is Seeing

Psalm 23       John 9:1-41 You’ve probably heard it said – in one way or another – that perception is reality. C.S. Lewis said it this way: “What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what sort of person you are.” Emerson said, “People only see what they are prepared to see.” And Anaïs Nin, an American author of Cuban dissent wrote, “We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are.” Since today’s gospel reading uses sight to examine how we see from a spiritual perspective, I’d like to begin with a little demonstration of the assumptions that we often make in the way we see things. This will require your participation. Please place your hands down on either side of your legs. Now look straight ahead and (in one motion) lift your hands up, point to the center and touch your index fingers together. Pretty easy, right? Now do the same thing with one eye closed. Not as easy, was it. You see, vision is ma...