Isaiah 6:1-8 Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17 Well, friends, today is finally here – it’s Trinity Sunday ! Yay. Ok, maybe it’s not a day that we get all excited about. It’s not like we get to light anything on fire like on Pentecost. Truly, I am certain that most of you are not really all that excited about delving deeply into doctrinal concepts this morning. At least, I doubt that was on your mind when you got up this morning. And yet, the struggle is real for those of us charged to lead the flock in living into this core belief that we demonstrate in liturgy and language – in faith and practice. In fact, in the words of Christian author and missionary, Sarah Miles, “Everything about us expresses our belief from [the arrangement of seating] in our sanctuary, to the songs we sing, to who does what in worship, to how we spend our money, to how we decorate. It all says something about what we believe.” And to that end I...
Sermons, random thoughts, and general musings are what you will find here. Sometimes a faithful question may appear, for faith is not an end but rather a beginning, and it is in seeking that we find.