Readings: Acts 2:42-47 1 Peter 2:19-25 John 10:1-10 Worship with us! It seems that we have become a nation of those who Zoom and those who do not. Obviously, there are other options, but the point is that while we are connecting in new and different ways there are also members of our society who feel more and more isolated as our time of separation goes on. Times like these make people say things like, “Imagine the look on the faces of our founding fathers and mothers if they could see us now”. Of course, the “founding mothers” are rarely mentioned, but I would wager they had more to do with things than any of us can imagine. Statements such as these about our past and present do more to divide than they do to unite, but they are, unfortunately, true to some extent. Long before all of this COVID 19 mess, we had already begun a slow, steady march toward greater division in our society and our world. I remember the first time it was made clear to me as I ma...
Sermons, random thoughts, and general musings are what you will find here. Sometimes a faithful question may appear, for faith is not an end but rather a beginning, and it is in seeking that we find.