Luke 9:51-62 We shared part of this reading last Wednesday in our Ash Wednesday service, so I want to give a little recap from that service for the first section (verses 51-56). To begin with, it’s important to remember that this followed the Transfiguration of Jesus when he took Peter, James, and John up Mt Tabor to pray and encountered Moses and Elijah and Jesus’ clothes went sort of ‘supernova.’ After that the disciples were struggling to heal a boy, but Jesus did it with barely a thought – except to call them all faithless and perverse (literally turned away from God). What we know from all of that is that Jesus is the embodiment of the law and the prophets, and he knew at this point that he was headed toward Jerusalem and the cross in order to accomplish what God had in mind on a cosmic level instead of what the people all around him wanted on an individual level. On the way to do that, he still had some teaching and healing to do, if for no other reason than to demonstrate that t...
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