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Showing posts from May, 2021

Heads or Tails on Pentecost

Acts 2:1-21 [Flips coin] Heads or tails? [Calls out the correct answer] If you got that right then let’s just say that you won the toss. I only have one coin, and I don’t really have anything else to give you. Fortunately, I am not the only giver of gifts, because today is a day to recognize the one who is. Today is Pentecost, and if you talk to anyone who is not involved in a Christian tradition, and also many who are, they would have no idea what that means. In fact, I was just talking with my stylist the other day – yes, I said “stylist” – and I realized that it was about like it would be if I tried to describe one of my roleplaying game campaigns to the majority of you. Yes, I said “roleplaying campaigns.” Even though I grew up in the era of Dungeons and Dragons, I have always looked down my nose at those that play these pretend games that change at the whim of a roll of the dice. Somehow, during this year of strange and strained relationships, I’ve now ended up in two different cl...

Clothed in Christ

Galatians 3:1-9,23-29 Why are you here? That may sound like a strange question, but I often wonder what it is that brings us together as God’s people. Presbyterians don’t tend to put as much stock into moments of personal revelation as others do, but my bet is that there have been moments in your life in which you have experienced some sense of God’s activity.   Whether it was a parent or grandparent that brought you to church when you were little or some other experience along the way, something in your heart tugged at you to come to church today. Maybe it’s the ritual of worship that gives meaning and order to your life. Maybe you are hoping for a break from the chaos in the world. Maybe you are just hoping for a reason to be hopeful. Maybe this is the place where everyone knows your name and they’re always glad you came. Maybe this is the place where you experience a more common union with others because you get to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Maybe this is the p...

Justified by Faith

Galatians 1:13-17; 2:11-21 Sing this one with me if you remember it from Bible School. “I am the church. You are the church. We are the church together. All of God’s children, all around the world – yes, we are the church together.” Sometimes those old simple songs can bring back a feeling of love and hope that hangs out deep in the marrow of our bones. I think that’s why it can be so hard to learn new hymns sometimes – even really good new hymns that our choir director wants us to learn. It’s also one of the reasons that any congregation can become unwittingly unwelcoming and unwilling to change. I’ve never heard anyone say that we were unwelcoming, but I have heard people say that they just don’t know how to connect or to get involved. At the same time, those of us who are more involved sometimes fall prey to the fallacy that it’s just easier to do it all ourselves. Besides, if we don’t do it, who will? I don’t have an easy answer to either of those issues, but I think our scripture ...


Acts 15:1-18 Making your way in the world today Takes everything you've got Taking a break from all your worries Sure would help a lot Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name And they're always glad you came You want to be where you can see Our troubles are all the same You want to be where everybody knows your name That is, of course, the theme song of the TV show, Cheers, that ran for 11 seasons, from 1982 to 1993. It’s ancient history for some, but few can deny the emotional appeal of that those words and that tune. In fact, this theme song was the inspiration for my first real conversation about ecclesiology – that’s one of those fancy words for “how we do church.” It was Marlene, a kid in my first youth group, who said, “I think that’s what the church should be like.” I said, “A bar?” She said, “Yeah, well, no. I don’t mean the drinking part. I mean the part where everybody knows your name. I mean, like, a place you can g...