Psalm 145:8-9,14-21 ; John 18:28-40 Some of you may be wondering if we’ve jumped the starting gun on Holy Week. We haven’t even gotten to Palm Sunday yet and we’re already seeing Jesus before Pilate! On that account you are right. We are going a little out of order but don’t worry; we’ll come back for the Palms in due time. The reason that we are doing it this way, as we walk with Jesus through John’s gospel during Lent, is that so often we have one week to focus on the experience of Jesus during his betrayal and arrest. So often we focus on his suffering and not on the reason for it – apart from a massive guilt trip – and that’s not what we are here to do today. Instead, I’d like us to look through this passage with an openness to what God has done, is doing, and will do through us as God’s people. Today’s reading picks up where we left off last week after Peter’s denial and the recognition that God can and will work in and through us, even in our darkest days. Before we get too far i...
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