Exodus 19:1-6; 20:1-2 ; Mark 12:28-34 Today’s Old Testament passage brings all sorts of images to mind. First, we are presented with a new moon. It is the third one the Israelites have seen on their journey, which means that they have been traveling together for at least three months. Next, we are reminded of Egypt in all its splendor and hardship. Then we hear of the route they have taken, and we see people trudging through the wilderness and emerging at the base of Mount Sinai, living in camps as they go. Finally, we see (and hear) Moses being called out by God to ascend the mountain. We aren’t told whether it is a booming voice for all to hear, or if it is a still, small voice raised in the conscience of Moses, but this voice – and the images it offers – are all that we hear. The voice of God, however, we imagine it, instructs Moses to tell the people that they are to think of their flight from Israel as though it were as swift and strong as a bird of prey. The final image we are gi...
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