Genesis 39:1-23 ; Matthew 5:11-12 TRIGGER WARNING: GENESIS 39:1-23 REFERS TO AN ACCUSATION OF RAPE. Hey, Sarah [Liturgist]! I got a joke for you. How do you put milk in the refrigerator? Ok, how do you put bacon in the refrigerator? Would you put a whole pig in the refrigerator the same way? What about an alligator? No, silly, first you take the pig out so the alligator can fit! Thanks for playing, Sarah! [She sits.] That joke reminds me that some time ago my mom taught me that there are times when it is really important to tend to big issues first – like when you are packing a car, or paying bills, or trying to sus out a conflict with someone you love. Sometimes the “big things” can help you make sense of the best way to do the little things. There are, of course, exceptions. Everyone has their own way to load the dishwasher, and many of us would come to blows over it if challenged. All of that is to say that there is an elephant that came into the room with the Old Testament reading,...
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