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Showing posts from February, 2023

Proclamation Salvation Since 33 CE

Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7 ; Romans 5:12-19 ; Matthew 4:1-11 The parades have passed, the King Cake is all gone, and the season of Lent has begun as we prepare ourselves for the severity of the cross on Good Friday and the joy of the empty tomb on Easter! Some of us imposed Ashes on our heads last Wednesday, but that does not mean we got any extra points. It just means we engaged in a meaningful tradition that reminds us of our mortality and the grace and mercy of God that holds us as we all get through this thing called life. In case you are curious about the season of Lent and the way ashes and other disciplines might help us to get ready for Easter, there is a video by Rev Anne Russ posted on our Facebook page. One thing I will say about Lent is that I am routinely asked whether or not Presbyterians give things up and why or why not. The simplest answer is that it doesn’t hurt, but God’s going to love you no matter what you do. The longer answer is that some people find that giving som...

Shiny Jesus

Exodus 24:12-18 ; 2 Peter 1:16-21 ; Matthew 17:1-9 I want you all to know something. I have beautiful feet, and I bet you do, too. The Apostle Paul said to the church in Rome (10:15), “How beautiful are the feet of the one who brings good news!” and the good news is – yes, it is Jesus. More specifically it is that God revealed God’s self through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus so that we might know of God’s love for us. There’s a lot to unpack in that statement, so let’s just see what God's word has to say about all of that. Today is the day in the church year that we celebrate the “transfiguration” of Jesus, which we have read about in Matthew’s Gospel, but why does that matter? For that matter, what’s so good about this story? Is it a ghost story? Is it supernatural? Why does Jesus suddenly shine bright like a diamond, and what does it have to do with us? Quite a bit, actually, or at least it can. I realize that for some this story may seem a bit far-fetched. The proof...

You Matter

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 ; 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 ; Matthew 5:21-37 I want to begin by talking to those who are worshiping online. I’m thankful that you are with us today as an active and dynamic part of this worshiping community. I don’t know what you are going through – what brings you joy or burdens your soul – or why you need to be with us online instead of in person. Some of you live in different states. Some of you just aren’t able to “people” today, and that’s ok. You matter to us. You matter to God. Because you matter to God, you matter to us; and God is doing good things through us! Now, for those who are in the sanctuary today, I want you to know the same. In fact, I want you to tell someone near you that they matter to God. Make sure everyone knows it. If you’re online you are welcome to tell someone else the same. They don’t even have to be worshiping with us right now. Just text somebody! Now I want all y’all, no matter where you are, to repeat after me. I matter to God. You matt...

Spiritual Discernment

Isaiah 58:1-9a ; 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 ; Matthew 5:13-20 Over the last few weeks, we have talked a lot about calling and discernment. We began with the baptism of Jesus and the call of the disciples and the invitation we are offered time and time again to follow in the way of Jesus and live in the Kingdom of Heaven that has come near. Last week we heard the beginning of the sermon on the mount, as Matthew’s gospel calls it, and today that sermon continues with a plea – and an expectation – that we are who we have been called to be! The good news about all of this is what? [Pause for an answer.] Yes! Jesus is the good news, and the way all of what we have been talking about proclaims the good news of Jesus is that all of it – the invitation to discipleship that begins with repentance, the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven that is found in the kin-dom or family of faith-full fellowship, God’s calling to justice and righteousness tempered by compassion and humility – all of it is a team sp...