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Showing posts from March, 2023

Jesus Wept

Ezekiel 37:1-14; Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45  There is a lot to talk about in these texts today. I do hope that you will take some time for further reflection during the week because we would be here all day if I tried to address every morsel in the banquet of goodness that we find in the text today. I say that metaphorically, but did you know that Ezekial actually ate a scroll? That was back in chapter 3, and he said it was as sweet as honey!  You can say that I lack his level of commitment, and I will not argue that point. What I will say is that our reading in the Gospel of John is a tipping point in the ministry of Jesus. From this point, his destiny is set, and he is on his final journey to Jerusalem and the cross. We see that clearly in the beginning. Even Thomas gets it when he says, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.”  Of course, this passage is about more than the expectation of the cross. It is about the experience of resurrection and salvation! It is ab...


Psalm 23 ; Ephesians 5:8-14 ; John 9:1-41 Well, friends, whether you have given something up or picked up a new discipline or habit for the season of Lent, I have some good news for you. The good news is, of course, that Jesus loves you no matter what, and that we are almost to the halfway point of Lent! If you are struggling, be encouraged by the words of the prophet. “Whoa. We’re halfway there. Whoa–oh. We’re living on a prayer.” Ok, so that was Bon Jovi, but he speaks the truth in his own kind of way. Truly, I hope that you are being encouraged through deepened prayer or some form of spiritual practice. If you aren’t, It’s never too late to start. This may also be the point where some of you realize that something you’ve given up was not something you really needed in the first place. Of course, there is more to life than basic necessities, but the point of a time of spiritual discipline is to encourage a life of discipleship. As a community of disciples of the way of Jesus, we hav...


Exodus 17:1-7 ; Romans 5:1-11 ; John 4:5-42 As we move through the season of Lent, we have been reflecting on our scripture passages in light of the Six Great Ends (or purposes) of the Church. We started out with The Proclamation of the Gospel for the Salvation of Humankind, and last week I said that all the other the “Ends” flow from that one. Think of it as the foundation for the house. We are building on the expectation that this news of love and forgiveness is good news. In fact, it is my hope that any time you hear anyone say, “The good news is…” that your brain fills in “Jesus Christ,” because the good news of Jesus is that he brings salvation! Last week we heard that “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” So we share this good news in the hope of salvation, not just for ourselves but for the world. Last week we also talked about The Shelter, Nurture, and Spiritual Fellowship of the Childre...

Give Me Shelter!

Genesis 12:1-4 ; Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 ; John 3:1-17 As we begin to reflect on the scriptures, I invite you to take a moment with me to consider how and where you have been sheltered. I don’t mean sheltered in the sense of being kept from knowing what is going on around you, but I suppose you could include that if you think of it in a positive light. Just take a moment and consider how and where you have received what you would consider shelter; safekeeping; being cared for, protected, or provided for beyond your own capacity to care for yourself. To get you in the right place for this I invite you to be aware of your physical self. Uncross anything that is crossed. Sit comfortably, but be grounded with your feet on the floor. Consider the weight and texture of everything you are touching. Take a deep breath and think of it as a gift from God. Let it out with gratitude. Now let your mind focus on a time you received shelter. Stick with your first thought, and think about how you felt (gr...