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Showing posts from August, 2023

You Rock!

Exodus 1:8-2:10 ; Romans 12:1-8 ; Matthew 16:13-20 Before I get going here, I want you to know that you rock! I’ll explain that a little more later, but if no one has told you all week how amazing you are I want you to know it right now. You are an amazing and wonderful child of God! The next thing I want to say before getting down to the preachin’ is that these texts are so wonderful and rich and I hope you’ll spend some more time with them later. I’ll be focusing on the reading from Matthew today, but there is so much more to discover about God and God’s desire for your life in the other texts as well. As for today, I’d like to start with the question Jesus asks in our text. “Who do you say that I am?” That’s the question that Jesus asked Peter in Caesarea Philippi, a place of commerce and pagan worship (even worship of the state of Rome itself). Some also say it was a place that was full of decadence and immorality. It may seem silly to ask us the same question, “Who do we say that ...

What the World Needs Now

Genesis 45:1-15 ; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32 ; Matthew 15:10-28 I’d like to begin with a little word association to get our brains charged up a bit because there is a lot going on in our readings today. Most of you have done this with me before, but just so we are clear, I’m going to throw out a word and I want you to shout out the first thing that comes to mind. Just remember that this is a family show. Those who are online are also welcome to type your response in the comments. Here’s your first word: friend. (Pause for answers) Great! The next word is “welcome.” (Pause for answers) Great! Here’s your last one: need. (Pause for answers) Great! Ok, here’s one I just want you to think about. Don’t say it out loud, just think about it. In fact, think of it as a prayer. It’s also more of a fill-in-the-blank. Are you ready? Alright. “What the world needs right now is _______.” If this were a game show we would have some fun synth music in the back and everyone would be writing furiously on a l...

Ps 23 – Surely Goodness and Mercy (Psalm 23 pt 6)

Psalm 23 ; Romans 8:12-17 I am sure you have noticed by the emphasis on v.6 in our reading of the 23rd Psalm, today is the last Sunday in our series on the 23rd Psalm. While I had hoped that you might respond like my kids did long ago with favorite childhood stories, I’m not surprised that none of you said, “No! Let’s read it again!” I say that knowing that we could probably read the 23rd Psalm every Sunday, and it would only encourage you all the more. That is one of the reasons that we read it in the style of Lectio Divina this week, and I hope that you were able to open yourself up to some new or deeper revelation through it. If not, I encourage you to try again some other time and see what new things the Spirit may yet reveal to you through these faithfully inspired words about the providence of God. Last time we used this technique I asked you to share what struck you anew and how you felt God was moving through this text. Today I’ll let that be between you and God unless you want...