OK, given the title of this blog and earlier posts there is no way not to be talking about Katrina, the worst natural disaster in my life time in the U.S. Posted below are the efforts of a good friend of mine, Clint Mitchel, as well as many others. 05458 Sept. 2, 2005 Expecting the worst Hurricane-relief workers struggle to meet special needs of pregnant women by Alexa Smith LOUISVILLE — In a Sunday school room down the hall from the sanctuary at University Presbyterian Church in Baton Rogue, LA, a woman in her ninth month of pregnancy is resting on an air mattress. She showed up last night wearing bedroom slippers and a shift, carrying a small shopping bag filled with everything she has left from her flooded New Orleans home. When the city was evacuated, she got separated from the rest of her family and she isn’t sure how to find them. Her baby is due any day. In the room next door are two teenagers, a grandmother and a mother with a newborn, all sprawled on air mat...