I'm guessing most people have seen the JC Penny Back to school add? I l o v e t h i s c o m m e r c i a l ! I k n o w , i t's totally fake. I love the response on YouTube that said, "Cause everyone in Highschool is a supermodel, right?" Yeah, yeah...but it's just fun. I like the idea of people being confident enough to strut their stuff and not care what others think. I don't think that's what they are really selling here. They're selling the idea that you aren't, but you could be. The song is good too, and they picked the one line that suites their cause. "Everybody's watching but nobody cares." That's good marketing, but it doesn't do the song justice. I go to church and I'm expected to be lost soul They need examples to use I could stay forever leave right now It's your call either way It's time to use my life for myself (most people just won't tell you that) I'm gona use my life for som...
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