I'm guessing most people have seen the JC Penny Back to school add?
I love this commercial! I know, it's totally fake. I love
the response on YouTube that said, "Cause everyone in
Highschool is a supermodel, right?" Yeah, yeah...but it's
just fun. I like the idea of people being confident enough
to strut their stuff and not care what others think. I don't
think that's what they are really selling here. They're
selling the idea that you aren't, but you could be.
The song is good too, and they picked the one line that
suites their cause. "Everybody's watching but nobody cares."
That's good marketing, but it doesn't do the song justice.
I go to church and
I'm expected to be lost soul
They need examples to use
I could stay forever leave right now
It's your call either way
It's time to use my life for myself
(most people just won't tell you that)
I'm gona use my life for someone else, yeah
no wait wait wait wait
How about you? Do you ever feel like you are going
through the motions of life? Do you ever feel like
everybody's watching but nobody cares? Do you have
a church home where you feel as valued as the kid who
walks across the table or as empowered as the girl
who laughs at the end, knowing her plan worked?
Do you want one?
See I think the freedom we get from believing in Jesus
should make us feel that valuedand empowered, and
I think the church should be the place where we come
together to show the world what it could look like.
If you agree, let's talk about it. If you don't, tell me why.
Either way, I want you to know that
Christ has new clothes for you whether you have
believed in him for years or maybe you are still
figuring out what following Jesus really means.
Every day is a new chance to be loved
and to love others in the same way.
Every day is new for those who follow Jesus.
Make it a good day!