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Showing posts from December, 2022

Christmas Party

Isaiah 9:2-7, Luke 2:1-15  It looks like we are ready for the party! The tree is up with Chrismons (monograms of Christ). We have a few new ornaments on there this year. One of them is a picture of the church. I think that passes as a “monogram of Christ,” don’t you? At least I hope we are a symbol of God’s redemptive love that points to Jesus. We aren’t perfect, but we’re working on it.  Let’s see, what else do we have? Our manger scene is all set now; of course, the Magi are still on their way – you may have seen them hanging out in the narthex – because wise people seek him still, right? Also, it’s not Epiphany yet, so they’ll get here in a few weeks. We have our poinsettias in place. The food is ready…we’ll get to that in a bit.  Now, that reminds me – what are we celebrating? I realize that seems a little silly to ask, but I think we sometimes forget that there is more to the story than the manger scene and the birthday party that we have turned the celebration of th...

Seeing God in One Another

Luke 1:39-58 I’d like to begin with an exercise to expand our awareness of the love that holds us in this space. I want to invite you to take a moment to become aware of your body. Be sure that your feet are on the ground. Uncross yourself if you must. Consider the feeling in your limbs and hands. Be aware of the air around you. Take a breath and consider how it is cooler as it enters your body than when it leaves. If your tongue is pressed to the roof of your mouth, let it drop to the bottom. Just breathe and be present in this moment. Now I would like you to close your eyes and think of someone who loves you unconditionally. I want you to imagine that person coming into the sanctuary and sitting near you. Imagine this person holding your hand and looking you in the eye and telling you that you are ok just as you are. Regardless of what you have done and what has been done to you – with all of your brokenness and all of your wholeness – the only thing that can define you in this prese...

Fearless Peace

Isaiah 11:1-10 ; Luke 1:26-38 If there were a place in the world where fear does not exist, would you want to go there? Maybe you’ve already been there. Take a moment and think about that. Think about the times and places when you have felt the safest; the freest; the most sincerely aware that you were unique in the world and loved by others and beloved by God and treated with kindness. Do you have that moment in your mind? Hold onto it, if you do. Don’t worry. I’m not going to challenge it or try to make you feel bad or awkward about it. I only want to honor it for what it is. Maybe you don’t have just one moment like that. Maybe you have too many to choose from. Whatever memories you have conjured up let us be thankful for them, because some have none. It may be that we who have many are called to create moments like these for others, but let’s hold that thought for a minute or two as well as we consider God’s word for us today. The prophecy of Isaiah, which finds fulfillment in the ...