Isaiah 9:2-7, Luke 2:1-15 It looks like we are ready for the party! The tree is up with Chrismons (monograms of Christ). We have a few new ornaments on there this year. One of them is a picture of the church. I think that passes as a “monogram of Christ,” don’t you? At least I hope we are a symbol of God’s redemptive love that points to Jesus. We aren’t perfect, but we’re working on it. Let’s see, what else do we have? Our manger scene is all set now; of course, the Magi are still on their way – you may have seen them hanging out in the narthex – because wise people seek him still, right? Also, it’s not Epiphany yet, so they’ll get here in a few weeks. We have our poinsettias in place. The food is ready…we’ll get to that in a bit. Now, that reminds me – what are we celebrating? I realize that seems a little silly to ask, but I think we sometimes forget that there is more to the story than the manger scene and the birthday party that we have turned the celebration of th...
Sermons, random thoughts, and general musings are what you will find here. Sometimes a faithful question may appear, for faith is not an end but rather a beginning, and it is in seeking that we find.