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“Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.” That’s what Paul told the church in Rome during the time of its formation. During that time the church opposed the state of Rome, and later it would become the religion of the state of Rome. That is not to disparage the faith of our Roman Catholic siblings. Rather it is to say how remarkable the work of God can be when we follow these words, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.”

There are, of course, inherent dangers when the church becomes the state religion, but that’s another sermon for another day. Also, most of us in the Reformed tradition of faith would probably agree that it does not usually end well for Jesus when religion and the state collude.

We can talk about that later if you like, but right now I want to stay focused on Paul’s advice to “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, and persevere in prayer.” Our hope is grounded in the grace and mercy of God, and so worship always begins with praise and confession and celebration for our release from sin and death. It may seem odd to go from there to patience in suffering – and I sincerely hope that “patience in suffering” does not describe the next part of the service which includes the sermon – but Paul was simply acknowledging the reality of life. As they say, “Into each life some rain must fall.” (And every sermon is not a banger.)

Incidentally, a friend once advised me never to pray for patience. She said, “I realized one day that the only way to gain patience is through trials… so I stopped praying for patience.” I’m not sure that’s how it works, but I know that Paul tells us to be patient. Easy for him to say, from prison… except that he gave us a key to the way out – persevere in prayer.

It’s like Dori, right? Just keep praying. Just keep praying. What do you do when you want to PRAY… [Lay reader interrupts. “Stop! That song. Now it’s stuck in my head!”]

Wow. Earwormed you, huh? [Uh-huh] Fascinating. Alright, I know how to fix that. I bet all I have to say is something like The Lord of the Dance or AmazingGrace, and it will clear that right up. Better?

[Yes, but now I’m thinking about those songs.]

I get that, but those aren’t so bad, are they? [No.] Ok. Can I keep going? [Yes.] Good.

So, speaking of earworms – songs that get stuck in your head – I have to admit that over the years I have had a love/hate relationship with the hymn, Here I Am, Lord. [Jake slams keys]

Apparently, I am not alone. I can’t speak for Jake, but for me, I think it is because – when I am truly honest with myself – I realize that there are times when I have sung these words sincerely and failed to back them up with my life. I think it is because I know that I have had times when I have denied God’s voice because I did not see a burning bush, or because I did not think I was good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough. Maybe you’ve been there?

I’ve asked a few friends to help us reflect on these types of experiences. They are going to share with you now a Reader’s Theater piece from the book, The Next Voice You Hear: Sermons We PreachTogether. This story is called, Here I Am, Send Claude.

Reader 1: The thing about burning bushes is – they get our attention!

It’s not that Yahweh God loves showing off, or anything like that.

Reader 2: “For my next trick, I present – a burning bush!”

Reader 1: Burning bushes come in many forms, in all sizes and shapes.

We are going about our own business, like Moses there at Horeb,

And suddenly our attention is captured…

Reader 2: By neighbors without homes or adequate housing,

Or the mistreatment of a colleague at work,

Or the weeds in the church garden,

Or the suffering of a good friend,

Or whatever…

Reader 1: We see a need, by George, someone ought to do something!

Someone has got to start caring!

We can stand it no longer; the problem cannot be ignored.

It will not go away by itself. Something must be done.

And lo and behold, we are there, standing at our burning bush.

God has captured our attention, pinpointed a particular need,

At work… in the neighborhood… at church… in the family... in the world…

Someone has to start doing something – that is clear at burning bushes.

But who is going to do it? That is not so clear. Who will tackle the job?

This is the part of the message we have trouble understanding.

The need is clear, but the name we keep hearing as we stand by that bush,

The name of the doer God has in mind must be a mistake. It is our own name.

Reader 2: Moses! Moses!

Reader 1: Here I am.

Reader 2: Moses, go down to Egypt Land. Tell old Pharaoh to let my people go.

Reader 1: Right, Lord, something must be done in Egypt; someone must help your people

there. Thank goodness you see the need. It is about time you got around to acting. Congratulations, Lord. I am all for the project. Here I am, Lord, but send Dottie.

Dottie: Here I am, Lord, but I am already serving on three important committees;

Send Gladene.

Gladene: Here I am, Lord, but I have a house full of reweaving to finish;

Send Carol.

Carol: Here I am, Lord, but working full-time, and running a hotel for relatives, is all I can

do; Send Dave.

Dave: Here I am, Lord, but I just got 10,000 likes for a cat video!

Send Sue.

Sue: Here I am, Lord, but I’ve got to find a job;

Send Bill.

Bill: Here I am, Lord, but it is not in my job description;

Send Claude.

All: Who’s Claude?

Reader 2: Here I am…Send Claude!

It is natural, one supposes, to feel somewhat inadequate when confronting

burning bushes. It is natural, one supposes when we really have our attention

directed to a crucial need in human life, to feel our own resources are not


Reader 1: At burning bushes, we empathize with Moses, as he shouts out…

Reader 2: I am not religious enough for this job, Lord. I can’t go to Egypt; I am a wanted man

there. I am not a public speaker. Here I am, but Dottie is friendlier; Send her.

Dottie: Gladene is more conscientious; Send her.

Gladene: Carol has been a member longer; Send her.

Carol: Dave is taller; Send him.

Dave: Sue has seminary training; Send her.

Sue: Bill has more experience; Send him.

Bill: Here I am, Lord; Send Claude.

All: Who’s Claude?

Reader 1: The trouble with burning bushes is they don’t go away. At burning bushes, we see

a need. We may feel inadequate. We may be sure someone else could do it better. We may not want to be bothered. We wish the bush would go away.

But burning bushes are very personal; that burning bush is for me.

Reader 2: Not Dottie, Not Gladene, Not Carol, Not Dave, Not Sue, Not Bill, Not Claude…

Reader 1: The burning bush I meet is my own. It is my name I hear called. There God calls

me to meet the particular human need I see. No matter how I try to escape,

The name that is called remains the same.

Reader 2: Moses! Moses!

Reader 1: It is my name.

Reader 2: Moses! Moses!

Reader 1: Here I am; send Dottie.

Dottie: Send Gladene.

Gladene: Send Carol.

Carol: Send Dave.

Dave: Send Sue.

Sue: Send Bill.

Bill: Send Claude.

All: Who’s Claude?

Reader 1: But the burning bush is not for Claude; it is for me. Claude has his own bush.

The bush I see, the need God puts before my eyes, in my mind, on my heart,

has my name written on it, and my name alone.

Reader 2: “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for

us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me!’”

Yeah! That feels good. Here I am, Lord! Send me! It is good, and right, and important to know and to understand that we are called by God. It is good, and right, and important to find some way to respond to that calling. It is also very normal and very human for us to immediately disregard a calling that tells us to let go of our need to define and control so that we can be open to God’s will for our lives. It is very normal and very human to hear God’s calling to a life that involves constant death of the self and resurrection to new ways of being in the world and to look Jesus in the eye, just as Peter did, and say, “Get outa’ here! You gotta be kiddin’ me!”

And for that, Jesus called Peter, Satan. Peter – the one to whom Jesus just said he would give the keys to the kingdom and on whose faith he said would build his church – this Peter has become Satan to him?!

And so do we – we become Satan to Jesus in those times when we focus on our desires rather than the will of God. And what is the will of God? As we have it today, the will of God is to be known as the God who was, who is, and who always shall be. The will of God is to be known through the story of a particular people. The will of God is to be known through our willingness to let go of our needs in service of God’s needs, and it is the will of God to offer the opportunity of experiencing heaven here and now through our attention and response to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Now, I realize that all that sounds great. I also realize that, apart from an old song we love, it can be hard to do. The idea of experiencing heaven here and now, well, it just doesn’t sound very practical. I mean – how do you do that, anyway? Let me give you an example.

In 2008 the Faith Christian Lions of Grapevine, Texas had secured their spot in the state playoffs for their division – private schools. It was the last game of the season, and they were playing a throw-away game against the Gainsville State Tornados. Gainsville State is a youth penitentiary school, and the team was filled with players who had about as much hope in their lives as they had chances of winning that game – none.

The Tornados players were incarcerated students who had earned the right to play football. They did not have a field and always played as visitors. Their only fans were the few staff members who accompanied them, most of whom were on security detail. They entered the locker room under tight security with their heads down, and they emerged that night to find something they had never experienced and never expected.

The Faith Lions fans are divided. Men, women, and children formed a spirit tunnel stretching 30 yards, complete with a banner for them to tear through at the end! The JV Cheerleaders cheered for them on their side! Programs were made just for their team. Lions Parents were given the names and jersey numbers of Tornados players, and they sat on the visitor’s side and cheered for the Tornados players by name as they crashed into their own children in the fiercest night of competition the Tornados had ever participated in. Afterward, both teams joined for prayer – and members of both teams prayed for and with one another.

It wasn’t that big a deal to the Faith Lions fans and players, but it was the first time many of the Tornados players had ever been given something to hope for. More than that, it was a particularly Christian witness of hope from a particular people of God.

It is my hope, it is my prayer, and it is my belief that we are a particular people who are responding faithfully to that call. When I tell people that this little congregation of just around 100 members has partnered with others to install and maintain a clean water system in Cuba that is even being used medicinally – the health clinic has prescribed drinking this water and it has cured diseases (that’s how bad the water table is polluted)!

Not only that but every week we deploy volunteers from at least 3 congregations that serve over 30 hrs delivering meals to homebound elderly members. Not only that but every Sunday afternoon, we provide a safe space for court-ordered visitations through The Extra Mile Les Enfants program.

But wait, there’s more! Not only that, but our ministry umbrella (ella) includes Westley United Campus Ministries, United Christian Outreach, Campus Cupboard, ULL’s Native Bee Lab, and responsiveness in disasters. Even selling safe, reduced-rate parking to students and Mardi Gras revelers and Festival attendees support all these things (and Camp Agape), and it all flows from our connectedness in the community and the hard work of this congregation, and praise God for that!

In the midst of all of that, the pageantry of life plays out before us. Births and deaths; promotions and layoffs; surgeries, school work, and unexpected kindnesses that get thrown our way all require hope, and patience, and perseverance. That is why we gather online and in person. We gather to rejoice in hope, remain patient in suffering, and persevere in prayer together!

We have a lot to be hopeful about. Even with all of our limitations, we are an intimate, welcoming, and vital congregation – especially when we remember the risks we are called to take as we follow Jesus. As it has been said, “Everybody wants to get into heaven, but nobody wants to die.” The good news is that we don’t have to wait until we die to live as citizens of the kingdom of God! God’s calling is clear. Moses, who fled Egypt after murdering one of his oppressors, was sent back to the scene of the crime to proclaim release. And so it is with you and with me around this table today.

May God add an even more particular understanding of God’s call to all who have received these words, as we continue to seek new ways to respond as individuals and as a particular people of God, holy and beloved. Amen!


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