Proverbs 9:1-6 Ephesians 5:15-20 John 6:51-58 Today we are on part three of four-part series on gratitude which is based on reflections on the lectionary in conversation with the book, Gratitude – The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks , by Diana Butler Bass. As a reminder of where we have been, we started out talking about the feeling of gratitude and the way it is a natural response to God’s grace. God has freely given to us, and when we recognize God’s gifts of providence and forgiveness and powerful sustaining presence, we feel grateful. Last Sunday we talked about what to do about that feeling. We talked about the way in which gratitude can help us see more clearly and love more dearly and even order the pattern of our days. Today, we are going to talk about a more collective response to God’s grace. Today we are going to have a bit of a fĂȘte in worship, if you don’t mind. Maybe we’ll even have a bit of a ruck...
Sermons, random thoughts, and general musings are what you will find here. Sometimes a faithful question may appear, for faith is not an end but rather a beginning, and it is in seeking that we find.